Saturday, May 19, 2018

LinkedIn Help BFD=Big Fucking Deal #WordsToLiveBy

Video Removed From YouTube

This video was used as a tool to get LinkedIn Help Customer Support Engaged To The Address of Help Topics that I was bringing forward that LinkedIn Help was just deleting the support tickets.

This video was recorded to interface and bring enphasis into how serious I was to resolve and customer support interface.

There were several reports on Glassdoor that LinkedIn Help Support was not responding to customer complaints. The use of the video was to reach over this divide and bring resolve to these matters.

There is a review of the Ticket Support Here at this URL:

Along with the video, I declared that I would create [ ] if they did not treat my topics of concern serious. Finally, after 3 deleted support tickets in a row did they finally take hold of these matters and provide an answer for me.   WOW

There is a INMail to LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner:

Wow Sir; I finally got a respectful response from your LinkedIn Help staff.

I don't think it is all that hard to follow my help support tickets. But in case you want to over-view them --- as I have mentioned, they are presented on my domains. The top most recent ticket respectfully responded onto, it took as much effort and getting "blood out of a turnip", but I am satisfied that my position of these matters have finally been taken into consideration. It is amazing how much effort it took, and still wonder where my final address is place in priorities to these cases. But these two top cases are not deleted; and that is a difference that is noteworthy finally that just maybe I am finally being listened to, even though you have never responded to my InMail here. I consider this matter imperative important as it relates to the PROBLEM in social media engineering that the LinkedIn platform is coded under. Official Message from LinkedIn Safety Operations Support Created time: Created 16 days ago Status: Open Case #: 180603-002250 ------ Article 12 of the United Nations Convention For Rights For Persons With Disabilities [ Detailed of Mini Law School YouTube Video Requested Your involvements ] Created time: Created 3 days ago Status: Closed Case #: 180618-009972 ------ LinkedIn Public Post: Relates the history URL Archive index of this matter --- including the 3 deleted case tickets that I began with. Thank you for taking my voice and opinion into consideration, James Martin Driskill 3260 Grande Vista San Bernardino CA 92405 (720) 446-7044 : The Kramobone Phone LinkedIn Profile: owner: Actively Servicing The Truth To All Time Human History If I have a future need, I hope your department does not dismiss me right off like I have been treated. This was wrong of your operations staff.

Friday, May 04, 2018

@Gruwup Conflict Resolution System Presentation

 YouTube Video Long Form Educational Resource Presentation

 Table Of Contents



Personal Introduction by technology designer James Driskill  

3 min 44 secs


      James M. Driskill : Location: San Bernardino CA USA


     Gruwup Peace Building Website : Business Site 


Definition of Persuasive Technology From Wikipedia 

6 mins 24 secs

      Source: Wikipedia Persuasive Technology


Transcript: Excerpt Pope Francis' Speech To Congress,  Sept 2015

3 mins 39 secs

QR Code Link In This Video Segment: 

Introduction To Mpatapo - Run Ahead Of Me Blog

 3 mins 32 secs

QR Code Link In This Video Segment: 

     Top Left: Facebook Post                         Top Right: Mpatapo.gif 

Bottom Left: Google Search [ @gruwup #WordsToLiveBy

Bottom Right: Community Peace building Main Index