Sunday, September 09, 2012

ABHOW: Neighbors Helping Neighbors

ABHOW: Neighbors Helping Neighbors

"Go Fix Some Weighty Truth;
Chain down some passion;
Do some generous good;
Teach ignorance to see,
or grief to smile;
Correct thy friend,
befriend thy greatest foe;
Be just in all things;
Make amends for follies past,
and with warm heart forgive and be forgiven;
Let work not words thy virtue prove;
Go act as well as prate,
and then thy counsels will be strong.

Thy Reprimands Avail.

THE province of the historian is to gather the threads of the past ere they I elude forever his grasp, and weave them into a harmonious web to which the "art preservative" may give immortality. Therefore he, who would rescue from fast-gathering oblivion the deeds of a community, and send them on to futurity in an imperishable record, should deliver a plain, unvarnished tale


I provide these words to the attorney in my first correspondences in my case before they actually filled April 20th 2006. The made a major mistake in believing the building manger over the tenant me. In my declaration on July 10 2006, I state "Mr Graham is the one who is showing behavioral issues and continues his lies against me and other tenants. In fact, that is what I have been attempting to show plaintiff's counsel though my email". You can read it yourself, if you care.

Where is the Justice in Eviction Case WG06266106?

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