Friday, May 04, 2018

@Gruwup Conflict Resolution System Presentation

 YouTube Video Long Form Educational Resource Presentation

 Table Of Contents



Personal Introduction by technology designer James Driskill  

3 min 44 secs


      James M. Driskill : Location: San Bernardino CA USA


     Gruwup Peace Building Website : Business Site 


Definition of Persuasive Technology From Wikipedia 

6 mins 24 secs

      Source: Wikipedia Persuasive Technology


Transcript: Excerpt Pope Francis' Speech To Congress,  Sept 2015

3 mins 39 secs

QR Code Link In This Video Segment: 

Introduction To Mpatapo - Run Ahead Of Me Blog

 3 mins 32 secs

QR Code Link In This Video Segment: 

     Top Left: Facebook Post                         Top Right: Mpatapo.gif 

Bottom Left: Google Search [ @gruwup #WordsToLiveBy

Bottom Right: Community Peace building Main Index

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